Boyish redhead with a humble beginning confronted with the biggest most fabulous bully around, realizes that she’s behind all her misery, creates an elaborate revenge plan with help from her loyal friends, and becoming the villain along the way and having to apologize to said friends, all with a fire soundtrack. No I’m talking about Mean Girls.
一唱歌就好无聊多跳跳舞吧……e5又见leiomy这一季里angel眼神总透着不耐烦没有之前的轻盈感演员状态不太好啊candy继续无处不在邻家女孩电影这样纪念venus extravaganza大美人挺好的第六集pray.tell竟然蹬着高跟鞋所以是上瘾了哦electra: I have a reputation as a cold hard bitch to uphold